
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Progress Report 1 - Laying the track

Track laying is now under way

Easter 2006 and, with a break in the wet weather, the first of the track has been laid.

As can be seen, some of the planting has begun to be established and a water-feature in the form of a small stream has been installed. This will be extended as time permits.

The track-bed has been completed (I ran out of funds last year) and swing-bridges have been constructed for the two access-points.

At present, it is raining yet again and hence track-laying is suspended. However, it is hoped that the first trains will be running by the middle of May 2006!

Watch this space!

<< Go to Getting Started 


  1. Very interesting. Did it take you long to remodel the garden?

  2. About 18 months overall. Much of the earth-moving was done over one summar vacation period, but the rest had to be completed at odd weekends - such as laying the blocks and adding the sandstone cladding. Of course, it will never be finished.............
