
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Progress Report 22 - Platform & Goods stock

Peckforton platform
I finally got around to giving Peckforton station a platform. Owing to limited space, I decided to put the platform on the inside of the curve. This meant I could experiment with a different approach to forming a curved platform. This time, I used concrete platform edging formed using a JigStones mould.

I have only one platform edging mould and hence I had to produce the 19 sections over a period of three days (see How I made structures using JigStones [to come]). Fortunately, rapid-set cement takes only 20 minutes or so to set sufficiently well for the sections to be removed from the moulds so the turn-round time is quite quick.

The first job was to prepare the intended location for the edging blocks. These were bedded on a layer of cement, and then the space behind was back-filled with more cement with wooden shuttering to contain the cement on the back edge of the platform.

The platform surface was initially smoothed down with a trowel. However, I then decided to roughen up the surface with a paintbrush using a mix of brushing and stippling.

There are a few anomalies - as I progressed I realised I needed to use the running surface of the rail as a datum when settling the edging blocks in place and I needed to clean out wet cement from the mortar lines on the mouldings.

However, overall I am pleased with this approach to creating curved platforms. It is relatively straightforward and provides a pleasing result.

Goods stock update
Four wagons have been modified to become more appropriate for the railway.

Tank wagon
A standard LGB tank wagon has been modified, using an anglicising kit from Garden Railway Services (see How I Anglicised a tank wagon)

Guard's van 1 The kit-built guard's van (I think it's an IP Engineering model) which I bought on eBay (see Progress Report 19) has been given a repaint and had a few extra details added. Plasti-kote grey primer is used as standard for all goods stock (it's a lighter shade than Halfords) with the underframe and handles picked out in black. Footboards removed from an LGB closed van (see below) were added and LGB couplings have been installed (which seems like a travesty - one day I will pluck up the courage to change over to centre buffers on all my stock).

Guard's van 2
A half completed GRS conversion bought as part of a job-lot from eBay has been finished off. The basis for the conversion is the ubiquitous LGB closed van which includes a balcony at one end. The previous owner had decided to add another balcony and use plastic mouldings from GRS for the duckets. The conversion was missing one end to the cabin. The door-end of another LGB van (see below) was removed and added to fill the gap, a missing ducket from GRS was fixed in place and roof modified to fit. Various gaps were filled and smoothed down and the whole thing was given a coat of Plasti-kote primer (after masking out the underframe and windows). Various features were picked out in black acrylic.

Closed van
The 'donor' LGB van pillaged for parts for the above two conversions was given a new plain end made from plasticard to replace what was the balcony. The curious side windows were filled in with plasticard and filler which was then smoothed down and scribed. The body was then grey Plasti-koted with details picked out in black acrylic.


  1. The "curious side windows" on these mouldings are probably due to their continental origins. Many European railways, both standard and narrow gauge, did not bother with specialist vehicles for livestock. Instead, they build dual purpose vans with large ventilation holes with hinged or sliding covers. These would be left closed for perishable or delicate goods, and left open for the transport of livestock- or even people. It was always understood over there that the railway would be available to the authorities in case of military emergency for troop and other transport jobs, so it was common to see such vehicles branded "Hommes 40 Chevaux 8" indicating their capacity.

    Some authorities have said that this sensible idea was only ever used on the continent, and I thought so too until finding pictures of similar vehicles of British outline on the Castlederg and Victoria Bridge Tramway in Ireland. I believe other Irish lines used them too.

  2. I must admit that my stock has largely been inspired by that on the WLLR and the Southwold (though I've not yet modelled a Cleminson open wagon!) coupled with what I could find in the off-the-shelf range which was 'bashable'. Initially, I went for off the shelf models because I started the line when I had a time consuming job and so wanted stuff I could get up and running with the minimum of effort (in the days before Accucraft started producing UK stock). Then, over time, I've gradually anglicised it. I've always been more fascinated by operation than by the wish to build accurate scale models - and so I tend to live with compromises with which others would probably be uncomfortable. I like the idea of dual purpose vehicles. A great way of maximising a vehicle's usage rather than languishing in a siding awaiting relevant traffic. With a livestock market at Beeston (in a similar way to the Smithfield at Welshpool), I felt there was a justification for cattle wagons - but maybe with some modification, some of the vans could be pressed into service on market days..... Interesting thought.
