
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Progress Report 28

A couple of new developments since the last report. Firstly I've widened the boards supporting Beeston Market Station and added four new sidings; two for goods and two for a loco shed (see - How I extended the extension).

While I was at it, I bought a plastic tarpaulin to cover the station when not in use. Because this area is overhung with trees it tends to remain damp and also accumulates a lot of muck from fallen leaves. I am hoping the tarp will alleviate this particularly when I come to add some of the finer details and embellishments.

I've also fixed the signal box (made from a T&M Models* kit) in place at Beeston Market to indicate its status as the main station on the line.

The station building at Peckforton (also from T&M Models - see How I assembled the station buildings) has been fixed in place

and picket fencing (from Garden Railway Services - GRS) has been added to the platform.

Next on the list is to build a timber yard alongside the siding in the foreground of this shot and add name-boards, people, a cattle dock and all sorts of general clutter (porters' trolley, packing cases etc.).

*Note: T&M Models are in the process of setting up a web shop ( but Mike does sell via eBay.

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