
Friday, April 22, 2011

How I made a rake of loaded, weathered tippler wagons

As with the rake of empty wagons (see How I weathered some LGB tippler wagons), the wagons were disassembled and the chassis and buckets were sprayed with red 'oxide' primer (from Halfords' rattle cans).

Next, some 84mm x 75mm 'inserts' were cut from 5mm plywood:

These were wedged into the tippler buckets.

A happy half hour was spent smashing pieces of local red sandstone into smaller, 16mm scale, pieces. They were sieved with a vegetable strainer (borrowed from the kitchen) to separate rocks from sand.

The inserts were then given a liberal coating of PVA adhesive......

.... a a layer of stones sprinkled and pressed on.

Another splodge of PVA was then added in the middle on top of the base layer of stones and a second layer of stones added........

This process was repeated with a third, smaller layer of stones.

Finally a sprinkling of sand was added.

The loaded buckets were then left in their chassis cradles (so they would remain level) for three days to allow the PVA to harden off. The buckets and chassis were then weathered and 'rusted' with Scenic Rust (See How I weathered a rake of LGB Tipplers).

As with the rake of empties, they were permanently coupled in two sets of four with hooks and chains, with an extra, ninth wagon added. This is to permit one wagon to be removed on occasions when, for example, the gunpowder van, workman's coach or tanker wagon needs to be added to a train, while still enabling the train to fit in the passing loops.

The wagons then needed to be test-run, with the newly constructed Fowler diesel loco (see How I converted a Playmobil diesel into an early Fowler).

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