
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weathered buildings - photo gallery

Having reached the stage where the buildings for the copper mine require some finishing touches (see How I constructed buildings for the Copper Mine - pending), I decided to start accumulating photos of weathered buildings. At present, my focus has been primarily on corrugated iron, wood and sandstone in my immediate locality - which is where my fictional railway is set (see The Hypothetical Line), but as time progresses I will continue to add photos of other buildings as and when I come across them.

There are some interesting photos already out there in the webosphere, but hopefully this gallery will supplement those and bring together a range of photos relevant to the needs of garden railway (and other) modellers.

Weathered Corrugated Iron

Lightly rusted corrugated iron on a farm building
Heavily rusted corrugated iron as part of a fence
Rusted corrugated iron roofing - sloping and curved

Rusted corrugated iron on farm building

Corrugated asbestos

Moss-covered asbestos roofing on wooden shed

Weathered corrugated asbestos roofing and old brick on farm outbuilding
Weathered asbestos roofing on farm outbuilding

Weathered wood

Weathered creosoted telegraph pole
Weathered boarding and railway sleepers on a farm building
Lightly weathered boarding on farm building


Weathered coursed red sandstone wall
Close-up of weathered coursed red sandstone wall
Dressed red sandstone wall - part of a building
Mortared sandstone wall with lichen
Closeup of mortared wall and lichen
Mortared sandstone wall with lichen
Dry sandstone wall with moss and lichen
Dry sandstone wall
Mixed irregular sandstone wall, red, grey an yellow sandstone
Mixed irregular sandstone wall
Mixed irregular sandstone wall - closeup
Mixed irregular sandstone wall
Mixed sandstone tower
Upper part of mixed sandstone wall, showing weathering.
Dressed sandstone wall showing chisel marks, lichen and algae
Dressed sandstone with mullioned window with algae and dark weathering
Dressed sandstone wall, with algae. lichen and weathering
Dresses sandstone wall with lichen
Dressed sandstone wall showing variation of sandstone and light weathering
Dressed sandstone showing various weathering
Dressed red sandstone showing weathering from pollution
Mixed dressed sandstone with weathering
Mixed dressed sandstone - closeup
Dressed red sandstone showing weathering
Dressed red sandstone with weathering and lichen
Closeup of dressed red sandstone with weathering and lichen
Dressed red sanstone
Red sandstone gatepost showing colour variations
Dressed red sandstone showing patches of lichen

   To be continued .........

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