
Saturday, May 24, 2008

How will the garden line be developed?

Having decided on the prototype, the next stage was to work out how the existing garden railway could be adapted to represent it. The model, in its present form, is a circuit with a through station and a spur to a terminus station (and storage sidings). The hypothetical prototype would, of course, be end-to-end with two termini (Beeston Market and Bickerton) and three intermediate stations (Beeston Castle, Peckforton and Bulkeley). So, back to the drawing board to see how much of the line could be represented, and how.

The last thing I wanted to do was drastically remodel the garden so my only option was to see if the existing layout could be adapted. It had always been my intention to run an extension down the left boundary, so this would provide an opportunity to add another terminus. As can be seen from the plan, by using the reverse loop link it is possible to run from one terminus to the other. The next decision was which terminus would be which.

I figured that by making the new terminus Beeston Market, I could create a new intermediate station to represent Beeston Castle (with space behind for a model of the castle) and a small halt for Peckforton. It would have been possible to add a short siding after Bulkeley station to link to the copper mine but I decided that by positioning the mine sidings near to Beeston Market station I could run loaded ore wagons in one direction and empties in the opposite direction.

So, following the track plan, a train would leave Beeston Market station and would pass by the copper mine as if it does not exist. It would then progress to Beeston Castle station and thence to Peckforton. Running beside nascent River Gowy (in reality little more than a brook), it ignores the spur to Bickerton before taking the reverse loop link. Just before entering Bulkeley station the line back towards Beeston Market could be taken to access the copper mine. From Bulkeley, normal passenger and goods trains would progress on to the terminus at Bickerton.

Copper ore trains would start from the mine and traverse the line. taking the loop link to return via Peckforton and Beeston Castle to Beeston Market. Where they would reverse on to the siding supposedly to offload to standard gauge wagons. In actuality, the wagons would be shunted back to the mine and exchanged for empties, thus leaving the loaded wagons for collection by the next mine train.
I've accumulated quite a few LGB tipplers to represent the two trains - one full, one empty. cosmetically, they will have to look identical apart from one being full and the other empty - and also be symmetrical as they will keep having to be reversed. I did investigate Bachmann "V" tipplers but have decided I prefer the "L" tipplers as these seem more in keeping with the rustic nature of the line. At present I have sufficient wagons for one (empty) train, just now need to match these for the other (loaded) train.

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