
Sunday, May 25, 2008

A tour of the hypothetical line

It is assumed that the main terminus of the line would be situated alongside the original mainline goods yard for Beeston Station on the Chester to Crewe Railway. The goods yard has long since disappeared and is now used for storage by a reclamation company. In addition to a small passenger station, there would be interchange goods sidings and a siding for transferring the ore from the tipper wagons to mainline trucks.

The site of Beeston Market Station (the former goods yard for the mainline station)
Note Beeston Castle and deer in background

The line then runs parallel to the mainline for a short distance before swinging away to the northwest under the shadow of Beeston Castle.

A view of the line from Beeston Castle (the crag)

 An aerial view showing the route of the railway through the village of Beeston

After about a mile comes Beeston Castle station, a short walk from the entrance to the castle.

The site of Beeston Castle Station viewed from the road leading to the castle

Crossing the road in the village the line runs parallel to the road from Beeston to Peckforton at the base of the Peckforton Hills.

A view of the line between Beeston Castle and Peckforton from Beeston Castle

Just outside Beeston by Willis's Wood

About half-way between Beeston and Peckforton (Peckforton Castle Gatehouse in the middle distance)

Shortly before entering Peckforton. The River Gowy running parallel to the railway

Peckforton Halt. The River Gowy runs at the foot of the 'valley'

Peckforton village is picture postcard fodder and would only warrant a halt.

The centre of Peckforton village

The Old Smithy
Peckforton cottage

The Mighty River Gowy!

The line then passes through pasture land (noted in the past for its production of high quality Cheshire cheese) before arriving at Bulkeley (pronounced locally as Bewklee).
Bulkeley station location

The station is situated near to Bulkeley Mill, which, according the the hypothetical history of the area, was converted to a steam-powered timber mill to process the timber grown on the Peckforton estate.
The line passing through the village of Bulkeley

Cutting through the village, the line crosses the A554 and passes behind the Red Lion (now renamed the Bickerton Poacher). The line originally terminated at the copper mines but local pressure succeeded in an extension being laid through to Bickerton village. Between Bulkeley and Bickerton the line divides, with a branch to the copper mines.

The line between Bulkeley and Bickerton, with the branch to the copper mine

Rising up to Gallantry Bank with another view of the copper mine branch
(the remains of the chimney for the pumping engine can be seen in the distance)

The line to Bickerton climbs up over Gallantry Bank (formerly known as Gallows Tree Bank) before descending into Bickerton station, the terminus for the line.

View of the line from the Sandstone Trail

The site of Bickerton station


  1. Molesworth light railway4/29/2019 8:29 am

    Well thought out plan, most believable history. Particularly like the superimposed route on photographs. Wish I had thought of that for my line.

  2. Thanks.
    Must admit it was something which occurred to me only after I had built phase 1. I just happened to be doing a walk through the Peckforton Hills and suddenly thought - what a great place for a narrow gauge railway. ...... The rest as they say is history ;)

