A later variation used brass rod for the loop and phosphor bronze for
the hook. This proved more effective as the phosphor bronze is more
flexible than a steel paper-clip.
Construction was fairly straightforward, but creating a double-fold in
the brass sheet wasn't easy with the basic workshop equipment I possess.
.....So a simplified design as created, with a single fold. At the same
time, I widened the loop to give the hook a larger target area on which
to latch when coupling-up. I had found that my original loop couldn't
cope when wagons needed to couple together on a curve.
This version of the coupling was much easier to produce and proved to
be quite reliable. However, it was all too easy for the hook to ride up
over the loop unless the hooks and loops were perfectly aligned. The
simplest solution was to bend the hook back on itself to provide a
dangling tail. This simple expedient helped ensure the hook was more
likely to pass beneath the loop.
Until now, I had been using Binnie Medium Carmarthen buffers for stock such as Hartland Loco Works (HLW) mini series wagons which didn't have any buffers. I had bought around twenty of these when I was experimenting with different styles of couplings.
I simply snipped off the coupling hooks and then filed the remnants
To ensure the buffers were attached at a uniform height above the rail,
I created a simple jig which slotted into a piece of test track.
The buffer was slotted into the jig and given a generous coating of thick superglue.
The wagon was then wheeled up to the jig, making sure the buffer was central ......
..... and then a large elastic band passed around the jig and the wagon
to hold everything in place while the glue set.
NOTE: Since those early days, I now apply a superglue
activator spray to the headstock of the wagon which sets the superglue
almost immediately on contact with the buffer, so there is no need for
the elastic band.
Replacement buffers for LGB stock
Experimentation revealed that the small round buffer heads with which most LGB goods rolling stock is equipped weren't wide enough to prevent buffer-lock when stock was propelled backwards.
Rather than removing these buffers and mounts completely and replacing them with Binnie Carmarthens, I explored a different solution. I discovered the head of the coupling could be readily removed from the mount. The head is a tight push-fit and can be prised off with a pair of pointed-nosed pliers. Once removed, I found that a ¾" No. 8 woodscrew was a perfect fit into the hole.
To make the buffers, a 25mm x 12mm piece of 0.75mm thick brass sheet was given rounded corners with a file .....
The head of a ¾" No. 8 brass screw was then tinned with solder as was the middle of the buffing plate.
...... until the two components fused together.
Once it had been blackened (see below), the buffer assembly was simply screwed into the mount
Although the couplings for LGB and HLW rolling stock are compatible, the couplings themselves differ in design as do their mounts, and so a slight variation is required for the two types of coupling.
After initial experimentation (see above), I decided that he most efficient way to construct the couplings was to mass produce them in batches. This is particularly so for the LGB style of coupling which requires an 8mm diameter hole to be drilled towards the front. It's much easier to drill these holes when the coupling plate is still part of a larger sheet.The mounting plates were marked out on to a sheet of 0.75mm thick brass sheet with a pointed scriber.
The loops and hooks
A simple jig was constructed to help ensure the loops were bent to a uniform shape and size. The dimensions of the loop were firstly marked out on a sheet of graph paper.
The jig was now ready for use. A short length of 2mm diameter brass rod had one end bent at right angles, about 8mm from the end (better to make it slightly too long than too short).
...... to link with the plate
The end of a length of 0.9mm phosphor bronze wire was
then bent at right angles approximately 3mm from the end.
The bent end was then inserted into the 1mm hole in the
middle of the plate ........
...... and soldered into place.
I have marked on the jig where the hook needs to be bent (see dimensions above) .......
.... and then bent back on itself. After a while, I figured out the point on the pliers where the correct height of the hook would be.
Replacements for HLW hook & loop couplings
As indicated above, the size, shape and mountings for HLW couplings differs from LGB couplings and so a slight variation in the dimensions was needed. I also use this design as a basis for couplings for other rolling stock - eg made from kits or scratch-built.
.... and another for soldering the hooks to the mounting plates.
The mounting plates are slightly easier to make, as they lack the 8mm hole, but their marking-out, drilling, cutting and folding follow the same method as outlined above.
The original HLW couplings were mounted on a pillar.
Blackening the couplings.
Whilst it would be possible simply to paint the couplings, they are subjected to a fair amount of abrasive wear and so I decided to chemically blacken them. I did try Carr's blacking fluid for brass but found this to lose its potency within a short space of time and so now use Birchwood Casey Brass Black fluid (from Eileen's Emporium) which doesn't seem to lose strength no matter how many times I use it. I decant fluid into one of those small marmalade jars which you get in posh cafes or hotels (or can be bought empty in bulk on eBay).
I immerse the coupling or the brass buffer in the fluid for around 10 - 15 minutes
.... after which time it has turned a pleasant shade of black. The
couplings are then inverted as I can only fit half of it into the
jar at a time.
NOTE: Don't forget to remove the item after about fifteen minutes. If you leave it in overnight, you might find the coupling loop has disintegrated - you don't need to ask how I know.....!
Further modifications
Widened buffers
Mounting couplings and buffers on bogies
20mm x 20mm plates are created with similarly spaced holes at one end.
Once the end plate has been bent at 90 degrees, the square plate is bolted to it with countersunk headed 3mm screws, together with a Binnie buffer.
The bolts are filed or snipped off once the nuts have been
The hook and loop are then soldered to the mounting plate in the usual way. Once the assembly has been blackened and attached to the bogie, it is tested.
As can be seen, it can cope with even the tightest (R2) reverse
curves on my railway.
As with normal LGB hook and loop couplings, my RJB couplings auto-couple in the same way ..
Uncoupling is achieved as with LGB style couplings by depressing the
loops from above. I use plastic plant labels which are easily carried
around in the back pocket of my jeans during an operating session.
As indicated at the start of this article, my couplings are compatible with standard LGB hook and loops, though it is necessary for the LGB equipped stock to have a centre buffer.
Further developments
Coupling-up happens in the normal way - one wagon is propelled towards the other ......
.... and the hooks engage with the loops
To uncouple, the tension on the hooks is released by propelling one
or both wagons together ......
.... and a plant label or something similar is used to push down both hooks.
The wagons now continue to push against each other until they reach the desired place on the siding.
When they are now drawn apart, the taller upper arms on the hook arms pass under the loops to prevent the hooks from re-engaging with the loops.
The wagons can thus be drawn apart.
After two years of gradually converting all my stock to my new couplings, I am pleased with the outcome. The new couplings are far less obtrusive than the old LGB plastic versions. Although they look flimsy, they are surprisingly strong. I have tested them on trains of 25 wagons without problem.
your blog is more than informative and interesting.
Thanks. Over the years, I have received help and even physical resources from many fellow modellers and so my blog is a means for me to return those favours. The garden railway community is generally very supportive of each other.
You are a #@#£+-& GENIOUS! Thankyou! you've saved me tons of money and shipping times!
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